NO BUG / DUPLICATE: Carousel element seems to be mobile-first, not inheriting desktop settings

Browser: Safari 16.5
OS: macOS

I have an issue where I have a Carousel widget which is set to show 4 posts on desktop and I want it to be that way until I select 2 at mobile portrait. However if I set 2 in mobile-portrait, it then immediately scales back to 2 up until the 4 I set on desktop, meaning both tablet and mobile landscape are set to 2 too even though I only set that value on mobile portrait.

One thing worth mentioning, I had tried earlier a mobile-first approach but quickly reverted back, refreshed the CSS cache and regenerated the breakpoints in Bricks Settings, but the issue remains. I am presuming it’s related to that test for now but the thing is even when all the breakpoints are reset, I still get the issue even after dropping in a fresh carousel element.

The configuration of the element is here. You can see that it shows “2” as the value only for mobile_portrait, so I’m not sure why it still insists on showing “2” for tablet as well when it should be “4”.

{"content":[{"id":"trered","name":"carousel","parent":"tmktcp","children":[],"settings":{"infinite":true,"fields":[{"dynamicData":"{post_title:link}","tag":"h4","id":"088b0d","dynamicTypography":{"font-size":"1.1rem"}}],"arrows":true,"prevArrow":{"library":"ionicons","icon":"ion-ios-arrow-back"},"prevArrowLeft":"50px","nextArrow":{"library":"ionicons","icon":"ion-ios-arrow-forward"},"nextArrowRight":"50px","type":"posts","query":{"post_type":["product"],"posts_per_page":"10","tax_query_advanced":[{"id":"quckkz","taxonomy":"product_type","field":"name","terms":"Gate Valves"}]},"imageSize":"bricks_medium_square","slidesToShow":"4","effect":"slide","overlayOnHover":true,"overlayAnimation":"fade-in-up","overlayAlign":"top center","overlayBackground":{"hex":"#b80b0f","id":"pfpojy","name":"Brand / Primary"},"slidesToShow:mobile_portrait":"2"}}],"source":"bricksCopiedElements","sourceUrl":"<URL>","version":"1.8-beta","globalClasses":[],"globalElements":[]}

Actually I think this whole inheritance issue may be a bigger issue than just the Carousel element, as I just also noticed it in Theme Style > Typography as well.

The greyed out text inherits from the mobile value but not desktop, despite being desktop-first again and regenerating that breakpoint CSS. Seemingly different from the original issue here though is that despite the greyed out value showing from mobile instead of desktop, it actually uses the desktop value still. I can tell this because if I manually enter ‘95%’ it will shrink in size, but if I use ‘105%’ it remains the exact same from desktop without changing.

Desktop: 105%

Tablet (notice the greyed out value shows what I’ve set on mobile, but the actual value used / rendered in the editor is still the desktop value:

Mobile: 95%

If needed, @timmse has the credentials to the staging site still, can use that to access it anytime in the next 3 days (it’ll auto-expire at that point).

Hi Dustin,
You have to set the number of slides explicitly per breakpoint because the slider (swiper.js) requires them:

Your second problem is completely different and not related to the carousel.

My guess is that you probably switched back and forth between desktop and mobile-first, and accordingly, mobile-first styles are still present. These are not deleted when you change the method.

Academy Quote:

You should also decide about the desktop-first or mobile-first before you start designing your site.

Best regards,