NO BUG: Carousel Items to show Not Working

FYI @timmse this still seems to be a problem as of v1.10.3

Let me know if you’d like me to create a new thread / ticket about it. I am working on a website that has been setup mobile first from the very beginning.

I’ve created a carousel to show recent posts and the items to show field does not respect the values I enter whatsoever.

I am setting the number of items to show at every breakpoint, but it’s just doing what whatever it wants. I have deleted existing carousel elements and created new ones from scratch. It continues to not show the correct amount that I enter. It just shows 1 slide on mobile, 2 on tablet, and 3 on desktop no matter what I do.

Video showing blank page with new carousel element: Carousel Items To Show doesn't work | Loom

I have referenced both these older threads:

I have regenerated CSS, disabled all caching, etc.