NO BUG: Carousel Items to show Not Working

Bricks Version : 1.5.6
Browser : Chrome
OS : Windows

I have a Carousel on mobile when I select items to show as 1 it is not applying it is still showing 2

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Hi Wissam,
Thanks so much for your report!

Please set the “items to show” value on every single breakpoint. If you change only the mobile items to show, other breakpoints will adapt that setting because the responsive settings from the slider are mobile first.

Best regards,


Perfect thanks. @timmse

I am having the same issue with the carousel, and setting “items to show” at every breakpoint doesn’t seem to work. Every breakpoint is showing the max number of items I have set for desktop. It appears to work in the preview, but when I view the page on a mobile device it is showing the full 8 items instead of the 4 I have set.

Hi Jen,
Welcome to the forum, and thanks so much for your report!

Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce the issue. Would you be so kind as to provide a live link and a screencast using or showing and explaining what’s going on? Please use one of the tools mentioned, because they log every single step, making it possible to reproduce the issue.

Best regards,

Thank you! Here is a screencast showing what is happening: Jam. I have set the following items to show for the carousel: 8 on desktop, 6 on tablet portrait and mobile landscape, and 4 on mobile portrait. It renders properly in the builder, but on the live site it always shows 8 items, no matter what the breakpoint is. I’m pretty sure this was working previously, but it hasn’t since the 1.7.2 update.

Ok, to be honest, I have no idea what went wrong, however, it works as it should after I created a new carousel using the same settings :man_shrugging: :smiley:

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Thanks so much for your help!

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