WAIT: Bricks default ID styles overriding applied class styles

Browser: Chrome
OS: Win 10
URL: Link to a page that illustrates this issue pw carrot
Video: Dropbox

So I did find this already reported as a bug here:

… but that report says its a duplicate of another, which itself is a duplicate of:

… but this final WIP bug report is not the issue I’m experiencing.

My issue is not duplicate CSS classes (although I can see those in the browser). The issue I’m experiencing is Bricks is outputting default ID level styles which are more specific than my class styles, meaning that my class styles are being overridden.

For now I’ll use !important as a stop-gap.


EDIT - added video


thank you for your message. I tested locally, and I was able to reproduce the issue with the image element, so I set it as a link, and then tried to hide it with a class.

Now, I switched to the 1.12-beta version, and enabled the experimental feature “Cascade Layers” (Cascade layer – Bricks Academy)

If you can test this on a staging website, and enable them, that would be good. Then you will see if that solves your issue.


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Hi Matej thanks for your quick reply.

I do not want to use a beta version of Bricks in production so whilst that may solve the issue on the staging site it would essentially be a waste of time.

I’ll wait until 1.12 is fully released for the fix.


Hi @mackarias,

yeah, definitely do not use it on production. It’s just for testing on staging. And even then, Cascade Layers are still in experimental phase, meant only for testing.

For now, I recommend using !important tag.


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