WIP: Duplicate CSS for Classes

When styling with a class the CSS gets doubled. An example of this can be seen on

when looking at the classes on the product cards."


Hi Jørgen,
Thanks so much for your report!

I see that .product-card.brxe-block only appears once. The classes in it, such as .product-card__title.brxe-heading, are output twice.

CleanShot 2023-12-05 at 10.51.43@2x

Can you please provide me with a screenshot of the builder including the structure panel (expanded) for the product card area and the cards?

Best regards,

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Thank you! I have already added the problem to the bug tracker :+1:


We also have this issue. When starting building a website, it’s all good, but then suddenly we have some pages with duplicate CSS, and on longer pages it’s A LOT of double CSS.

Any update on this :sunny:

I have similar issues on several places. Is the reason using the templates? For me, it seems so. Also it seems the problem is there only when using rendering css to files. @timmse, are my observations right?

Also got the issue with duplicate CSS

@timmse Still experience this issue? any updates is critical

Yes, because the task is still in progress, as you can see from the title. WIP = work in progress :v:

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