SOLVED: Submenu icons in Bricks 1.8 & submenu background bug

the two chevrons have appeared

Black background on sub menu shouldn’t be there.

I have downgraded the theme back to 1.7.2 to remove these issues.

Hey @mackarias,

thanks for your report and sorry for the issues.

Would it be possible for you to create a staging copy of your site on which we can apply the 1.8 update and have a look? That’d help a lot.



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I also noticed that with 1.8, even if there is no icon for a submenu in the settings, Bricks still shows this chevron for menu items with submenus:



I experienced similar. Rebuilding css cache (bricks settings) didn’t fix it. But setting it to ‘inline css’ did. Then setting it back to external and the fix remained good.
Not sure it’ll work for you but maybe worth a try.

These menu chevrons now also cause issues on Page Speed Insights:

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Hey Andre, thanks for your reply. I’m flat out busy at the moment so not able to set this up for you I’m afraid.

Similar problem like above,
But the mobile menu is aligned left now, text align center is not working + the sub menu icon and text are messed up, icon margin not working too. Screenshot below.

Hey guys,

while preparing my answer to the initial problem this thread was about I would kindly ask you to create separate reports for the issues you notice after upgrading to 1.8. That way it’s way easier to keep track of them.



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Hey guys,

since this thread already contains multiple questions / topics let me try to answer all of them:

1. Mandatory submenu icons

Since Bricks 1.8 the icons / buttons for menu items that have children are there by default for accessibility reasons (keyboard navigation). Without them there is no way to open a submenu with the keyboard if there is a link on the parent menu item (see examples on

You can hide the icon / button by setting the icon typography > font size to 0 and removing the icon margin. That way the icon is not visible anymore but still keyboard accessible.

If you really want to remove the icon completely you can use some custom CSS on the menu element:

root .brx-submenu-toggle button { display: none }

We do not recommend this approach though.

2. Submenu background

@mackarias As already said it would be great if you could create a staging copy of your site so we can have a look at your exact setup.

3. Screen reader issue

@Patric We will add an aria-label to the icon / button. Thanks for the hint. Can you confirm that this issue only exists on the “regular” nav menu? The nav nestable should already output the aria-label.

Happy to hear your input on all these topics.




Hi André

Thanks for your help.

Yes, I have this issue only with the standard WP menu.



Hi guys,
We’ve fixed this bug in Bricks 1.8.1, now available as a one-click update in your WordPress Dashboard.

Please let us know if you are still experiencing issues.

Best regards,

Good morning

thanks very much.

I can confirm that my problem with the ara-label for the icon / button (issue #3 above) has been resolved with 1.8.1.

PageSpeed Insights does not report anything anymore on the icon / button.



Hey, still having an issue with this, now with 1.8.2

Can’t provide links as I need to roll back to a working version again, but here’s how it should look (on 1.7.3):

And on 1.8.2

And also getting this bg colour and unwanted text alignment on the sub menus

Hi Macky,
I can only guess what you consider a problem without a description :thinking:

Why the dropdown icons are displayed, you can find four posts above your post. You can change the icon spacing with the icon margin setting and the background color of the dropdown content or the dropdown item.

So I don’t know exactly where your problems are… sorry :v:

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I understand, sorry for the lack of information. At a very basic level, when I update bricks from 1.7.3 to 1.8.x it’s breaks the layout of the site. The drop-down icons shouldn’t be there, the text of the sub menus shouldn’t be aligned start, the dark BG colour shouldn’t be there on some of the sub menu items.

Ideally updating the theme shouldn’t change the existing styling

“It breaks the layout of the site” is very subjective, I think.

The menu has been extended in almost all areas, especially about accessibility and functionality, so certain deviations cannot be avoided. Nevertheless, the resulting changes should be quick and easy to adapt.

If you have problems with this, you are welcome to send us access data and explain in a video what is not working in your case and what it should look like.

OK maybe I should have said ‘it changes the layout of the site when no change was desired’?

Either way it’d be nice if theme updates were backwards compatible, or if that is not possible a little heads up that when updating the theme some changes to styling will be required.

If I had 100 sites built with Bricks and I had to go in to every one and remove chevrons that weren’t there previously, text alignment that has changed, bg colours that have appeared from nowhere etc, well then you’ve just given me a week of work that I didn’t need and didn’t expect.

Now I don’t have 100 sites built with bricks currently, and I suppose this kind of unexpected issue is a little question mark above whether I desire to continue using bricks as my go-to page builder for all future projects

I am currently having this very issue in the most up to date version of wordpress & bricks I also use acss. The arrow button will not open when I am on one of the pages contained in the sub-menu the arrow button is hiding. It will open when I am on the home page, or other top level pages.

Hi @itxplor ,
Welcome to the forum!

Can you please share a live link, so we can see the issue?

The real solution here would be for @timmse and bricks team to enable setting the dropdown menu title itself as the button, not putting it in a div and adding another button next to it. That seems like a speedy “fix” when it could have been avoided by making the text itself the button, and it woudl not have affected everyone like it did by adding the button next to it. With that said, what are the odds of getting a proper fix where the entire text itself is a button?