SOLVED: Query loop: infinite scrolling is loading wrong content if parent is set with dynamic data

Browser: Firefox
OS: Windows
Setup: Woocommerce, Archive-page

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create query loop for a category with more than 10 items
  2. Set posts count to 3 (In order to trigger scroll-reload)
  3. Set parent to any dynamic content (in my case {term_id} )

At first glance, everything seems fine, only child-content is loaded. But as soon as infinite-scroll is loading more content, the new content’s parent doesn’t match anymore.

Infinite-scroll content isn’t showing matching child items, instead showing children of base page. dynamic data seems to be different if the query data is pulled via inifinite scroll-trigger.

Just checked with Bricks v1.8 → dynamic data {term_id} is somehow working but still loading the parent itself as well. It’s still the same if you use data like: {echo:get_queried_object_id} as parent…

Enabling “Main query” doesn’t help eigther

edit: turned out, {term_id} isn’t working eigther, just differently

Hey @neofix,

would you be so kind as to provide us with some temporary credentials to the site you’re having the problems on as well as a link to this forum thread via Happy to investigate further then.



Just noticed there are some other problems as well - like pagination not working for terms etc.

I will send you the credentials for my test page with an easy example set up. Thanks :slight_smile:

Hey @neofix,

thanks again for your report.

We could reproduce the issue on our end and added it to our bug tracker.



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Hi @aslotta

Any updates to this point? I would be very pleasant, if I would be able to enable infinite scrolling finally on a customer’s page.

Regards, Neofix

Hey @neofix,

we’re still working on it and will update this thread as soon as it’s done.



I’m still stuck with this Bug and can’t use Bricks properly for certain use cases – while I seeing other bugs related to infinite scroll (posted way later) already being fixed (e.g. SOLVED: Brick Post Element with Infinite scroll enabled).

Kind of sad to see, since I still need to load all the items at once (>80 within certain categories), instead of using infinite scroll/pagination. Is there any given date or proper workaround in order to at least move forward?

Hi, the problem seems to be a bit more complex than others and accordingly requires more time. It’s still on the to-do list. Thanks for your patience :v:


Has there been any updates for this? Currently facing the same problem, and it will simply not working to load new content if the query is with dynamic data. Any help would be amazing!

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Hi @Bfrye26
Unfortunately, I got sad news for you - there’s still no fix as far as I know… and I couldn’t manage to find any workaround too. Infinite scroll ins’t usable for dynamic content :frowning:

Could query Vars or something like that work while still keeping the same settings? It feels a major feature to currently not be working. I would love any take by the bricks team on the matter.

I tried different solutions, including custom (bricks) queries, but none of them seemed to solve the issue.

I would love any take by the bricks team on the matter.

Me too :slight_smile:

No, sorry. Unfortunately, not yet.

Would the problem I am experiencing be related? The issue of when a taxonomy meta is set for the loop, infinite load simply does not work and will just show the loading animation reatidly?

Hmm… sounds like a different problem for me. There have been some problems with reloading infinite content recently, are you using the latest bricks version?

I am, made sure of it. I have seen both issues, this is just what I managed to get to recently.

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Do we have an idea what is causing the issue?

Hi @Bfrye26 ,

Please can you send your admin credentials to (Include this forum thread as reference)

I will check if it’s the same bug.


Sent over the details!