SOLVED: Interactions animations flicker / lagging

Bricks Version: 1.6
Browser: Chrome Version 108.0.5359.96
OS: Windows /
URL: Version 108.0.5359.96


I use interations animation feature. I’ve attached the element settings. When I scroll you can see that for about a millisecond the elements flicker on their end position and then the animation starts. I’ve recorded a screencast of it ( This effect depends on how fast I scroll. Hope this issue can be solved! I also made the observation that occasionally the animation is not triggered at all (also depending on scroll speed).


Hi Tobias,
Thanks so much for your report!

Can you please test these two workarounds?

  1. add a short animation delay.
  2. set the opacity of the elements that are animated to 0.

Best regards,

Hi Timmse,

  1. tried a delay of 0.1s. That changed nothing.
  2. tried to set opacity to 0. it worked smoother, was better than before but had edge cases where suddenly none of the elements were displayed.



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This is obviously connected to this issue which still remains as ‘Solved’ even though it is not:

No matter if the elements are above the fold or not, they flash for a brief moment before the animation starts. Adding delay does nothing, changing opacity to 0 makes the animation work well (the element doesn’t flash) but after the animation the element just disappears.

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Can confirm this, as of 1.6 animations are not working as intended, elements flicker on their end position and then the animation starts.

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Hey @Tobsen @gokki @onediv ,
Can one of you provide me with a simple template.json file where I can explicitly see and understand the problem? That would speed things up significantly :v:

Calculated in Bricks versions, this is a report from the Stone Age and therefore not relevant.

Best regards,

There is an interaction on the class on the H1 element, simple fadein on Content Loaded. You can see that on the front page on the H1 -, element shows up for a split second before the animation starts. Either it’s not supposed to work like that or there’s something I don’t understand and we’re supposed to structure the Interactions differently.


A temporary work-around can be found here but please see my note in a later response. You could use a custom class instead of data-attributes but it would be best if Bricks made a permanent solution.

Hey Krzysztof,
Thanks so much for the template!

I’ve added it to the bug tracker :v:

Best regards,


Hi Timmse,

You know I’m not one to sit on your seats.
But I’d just like to give a use case so you know the impact for your customers.

I updated the client site which had entry animations on nearly every element end on a lot of pages.

Had the flicker problem which is now fixed thanks to the code from zestjosh.
Otherwise the site would be practically unusable (extremely annoying to see the images and text and have it go away again and fade-in again).

  1. Shouldn’t something like this get a hotfix? (is hotfixes a discussable topic?)

  2. I ran the converter. But I now need to set every element manually to ‘only once’, since the entry animation was once, but now it fades-in everytime you scroll. And there is no fix I can find for that.


Hi @MarketingSpectrum ,

Well noted on the issue.
Sorry for the late reply, for the time being, you could place this CSS in Bricks > Settings > Custom CSS

.bricks-is-frontend :not(.brx-animated)[data-interactions*="In"] {
	opacity: 0;

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.


Thank you Jenn, that didn’t work for me sadly.
I recon 1.6.2 will contain a fix?

Hi Michael,

May I know if you are having a similar scenario?
Could you provide a link to us maybe via email? (


Hi Jenn, you have a login account in your data.

As for above;
reading it again makes me think - I added the css WHILE keeping the code from Zestjosh. Thinking it was an itteration to that.

Reading it again I think you provided a fix for the original issue (flickering).
So might be the issue there.

Should you want to check it feel free, the css from Zestjosh was added to the customizer.

Hi guys,
We’ve fixed this bug in Bricks 1.6.2, now available as a one-click update within your WordPress Dashboard.

Please let us know if you are still experiencing issues.

Best regards,

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All seems good now, thanks!

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All good here for me too.

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Can someone take a look at my site? (
I’m still getting the flashing when loading through pages

Edit: after adding this css the flickering goes away:

[data-interactions] {
visibility: hidden;
[data-interactions].brx-animated {
visibility: visible;

but it also for some reason hides a button in my footer which is supposed to activate a popup

I believe version 1.6.2 includes css that resolves the issue, what version are you running?

The CSS code that I posted is very general and did not account for other interactions, which is why your button isn’t visible.

I have 1.6.2 and still had the flashes, but my pages did have a lot of entry animations which may have been contributing to it. The popup also had a fade-in animation, once I removed that my button was visible again.