SOLVED: Changes made on classes not reflecting in the builder

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Video: CleanShot 2023-06-16 at 09.15.52 · CleanShot Cloud

After updating to 1.8.1: if I edit the background colour of a class, the edit doesn’t show in the Bricks editor. I have to save the page and refresh to see the edit.

Editing an ID directly is fine - the background colour edit shows instantly, as expected.

Video above showing the issue. I’ve tried on several Bricks sites. This example is a pretty plain install with very few plugins, no frameworks, no caching, etc.


Hey @mrdavefoy,

thanks for your report.

Unfortunately I am not able to reproduce your issue (see demo). Can you tell me a bit more about your server setup and/or provide me with some temporary credentials to the problematic site?



No problem André.

I’ll send you some temp login creds in a second. Thank you.

I’ve tried on two different servers. One is managed hosting. The other is InstaWP, a one-click installer service. Very different kinds of hosting.

On the site in my demo I only have 3 plugins installed.

Hey Dave,

thanks again for your report and the detailed explanations. I was able to reproduce the issue and added it to our bug tracker.



I’m finding other things that aren’t showing on the canvas when I make changes to classes, such as applying a border radius to a card has no effect in the canvas until I save and then refresh the entire browser tab. This wasn’t happening until I upgraded to v1.8.1 and disabled class chaining. It works if I make changes at the ID level though.

I can verify this too. It seems this is affecting many different changes when editing on a class level. :frowning:

I filed this bug report today only to realize this was already mentioned a few days ago, I think I missed it due to the title :melting_face:

In my case, I was seeing this on typography settings such as line height and font size, in addition to the ones mentioned here such as background colours and border radius.

@d19dotca @simon @mrdavefoy Can you please download this potential fix please here and let me know if it’s working for you?

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This is working for me, @thomas. I can now change the background colour on a previously existing class. :pray:

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Hi Thomas, yes it is working thank you. However, one thing that is now not working is that I had this setting the Y value for an inset box shadow:

calc((clamp(20rem, 9.56vw + 16.941rem, 30rem) / 2) + var(–space-m))

Before applying the update I could see the box shadow in the builder, now post update I only see it in the frontend as shown below (first image is the builder view of the card with the inset box shadow):

Better news is that yesterday I added to this issue: NO BUG: Sticky header styling (e.g., bg color) doesn’t work in 1.8 beta3. This is now fixed with this update.

Hmmm something more is now wrong. I just turned removed my scrolling header background colour and saved repeatedly but it is still showing on the front end. Unsure if this is related to this fix or the issue I added to yesterday.

@simon Can email us some temporary admin login details (incl. the builder URL of this page), so we can have a look at your setup? Plus a short video that showcases the scrolling header & CSS calc issue :pray:

On its way. The page URL is Ministry Team – Otter Vale Churches. The site is still under development!

Hi @Thomas, it seems to have fixed the issue reported in this case. Thank you. :slight_smile:

It does however bring a new noticeable issue with the Search element where I noticed the icon colour was changed. Comparing it seems the Search element has a few tweaks to the Icon Typography settings which is likely the culprit there. Changes from white and narrower background size, to a black icon with a larger background size.



It seems the Icon Typography changed on the Search element when comparing the two.

@d19dotca Thank you so much for confirming the fix. Could you share some temporary admin login details via email to your site plus the URL where the search element is located, so I can have a look at the issue? The search element HTML changed. For improved accessibility, it now uses a button instead of an anchor link.

Sent email to Bricks Support with site magic link. Thanks, @thomas. :slight_smile:

Just to chime in real quick, the classes patch above solved the issue on my current build as well.

One more chime in to confirm that the patched theme posted above fixed this issue for me, too.

I am having this issue with 1.8 and various classes, not just the background colour. Is the advice still to download and install the 1.8.1-classes build?

Confirming the potential fix. It’s working on my end. Thank you for the quick fix.

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Yes, for now. Mine wasn’t the background colour either (which is why I ended up missing this and accidentally filed a duplicate at DUPLICATE: Editing on class level of an element doesn't show changes in builder, only when editing on ID level. Changes appear in frontend, not editor), it affects basically anything on a class. It’s a pretty significant defect (I’m very surprised this wasn’t caught earlier), but using the 1.8.1-classes download fixes the problem. If you want you can also wait for 1.8.2 as I presume the fix will be included in that more official release soon too.

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