WIP: Filtering broken with new update (WPML)

new update broke filters

updated indexes didnt work.

filter.min.js giving error.
I tried to build the filter element again that didn’t work either.


I rolled back the version to 1.9.8 we are working with client right now we can’t have downtime.

I think error is clear but if you need a staging tell me I can create one to replicate this.

Yes, we’d need an admin login to a staging copy. As always sent to our usual email :slight_smile: Thank you.

ok sent the staging site logins to mail help@

Thanks @sinanisler ,

Can replicate the issue when used together with WPML.
Working on it.



In my case the filters don’t work even in 1.9.8 with wpml.

Hi Sinanisler,

Just to report that my project experienced the same behavior. After deactivating WPML the filter worked normally.

well they are coding the fix at the moment let’s wait. just rollback one version back.

btw "shamelessly plugs " :rofl:
if anyone needs AI for WPML try my free tool :wink:

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I will certainly try it. Thanks!! :clap::+1:

I honestly still don’t understand why we need to leave a website bloated with translation plugins in the AI ​​era. All browsers have a very reasonable translation feature with just one click. If it weren’t for SEO reasons, I would certainly discard this function in WP, as WPML is a real heavy truck to pull once installed.


Could you tell me how to roll back the bricks version?

there is no rollback button for bricks theme just upload the old version and overwrite it.

An headway on the WPML conflict? I’m experiencing the same issue and isolated it down to Bricks Filters stop working whenever the WPML CMS plugin is active. Latest version of WordPress, Bricks, and WPML all running.

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its in WIP

for now, just roll back one version before.