DUPLICATE: Query sort / filter / live search do not work with WPML

I’m using version 1.9.9 and testing Query Filter for the first time. I’ve followed all the steps in the documentation, but the filter elements—whether select, checkbox, or live search—aren’t working in one of my archive templates. I’ve disabled all possible plugins (except AT) because I need ACF, but nothing has changed. Are there any limitations to using these filters with CPT? I couldn’t find any information about this online.

None of the custom post types (CTPs) I created in ACF are working. I even recreated some templates from scratch and applied the filter without success. It seems the issue might be related to Bricks or AT in this project. Since I’m not a coder, I lack the skills to debug this in the browser.

I’ll share the template link here in case anyone has any ideas that might help.


I’m not having any issues and those settings look like what I have accept I have hierarchical turned on. Maybe try switching that on and updating the filter index. If that doesn’t work try resaving your permalinks. That’s sometimes fixes CPT issues I’m having.

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Hi Marco,
Welcome to the forum!

The error displayed in the console indicates that you are using WPML, right?
If so, this is a known problem that we are already working on:

I’ll close this thread since it’s a duplicate. We will update the mentioned thread as soon as we’ve fixed the issue.

Best regards,

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Hi Timmse,

I disabled WPML, and the problem was resolved. Thank you for the information. However, the company I’m working for has a license and needs the website to be available in three languages. I hope this issue is resolved as soon as possible.



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Thanks for confirming! Yes, as I said: we’re on it :rocket: