WAIT: Editor not loading canvas (blank page)

I am experiencing an error where the editor doesn’t load the canvas:

I have found others referring to this: Known issues – Bricks Academy
However I don’t use Cloudflare / Rocket Loader or SiteGround at all. My site runs on Raidboxes hosting. It worked last night - only thing I changed was updating ShortPixel plugin and RealCookieBanner plugin. Both of which should not in a thousand years interfere with the Bricks editor (and didn’t affect it before). Shortpixel only affects image uploads and the Cookie Banner is only executed on the front end.

When I inspect the page, there are no errors in the console. The canvas just stays blank and that is that.

Bricks version: 1.9.3
WP version:	6.4.1
WP memory limit: 512 MB
Server info:	nginx/1.24.0
MySQL version:	10.11.4
PHP version:	8.1.18
PHP post max size:	2000M
PHP execution time limit:	300
PHP max input vars:	10000
PHP safe mode:	
PHP memory limit:	512M
PHP max upload file size:	2000M
Active Plugins:
Advanced Custom Fields (6.2.3)
Amelia (7.1)	
Automatic.css (2.7.3)
Basic User Avatars (1.0.7)
Disable Gutenberg (3.1)
Duplicate Page (4.5.3)
Frames (1.4.2)
Official StatCounter Plugin (2.0.9)
Real Cookie Banner (4.1.1)
Remove Social ID for WP (1.1)
ShortPixel Image Optimizer (5.5.2)
Slim SEO (3.22.3)
User Role Editor (4.64.1)

Any ideas?


I inspected the canvas iframe (i think?) and now there are errors showing:

Hi @monadic,

Sorry for the late response.

Since you already went through our “Known issues” article, seems like you have a unique situation. Could you please share temporary admin access to help@bricksbuilder.io with a link to this thread using the same email you used to purchase Bricks?

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Hi @charaf ,

I sent an email with the admin login!