WAIT: Brick form submission not working

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: Windows
URL: https://pensacolaboatliftsanddocks.com/

My forms will not submit. I am pulling dynamic data for the form mail to address and bcc address and have tried putting my email in directly, but no matter how I do it the form will not submit. I get an error every time. I’m using a default form from a Frames template and added one field(phone number). I’ve tried an incognito browser, clearing my browser and server cache but I’m still unable to see the issue.

Screenshot 2023-03-01 193333 (1)
Screenshot 2023-03-01 193126 (1)
Screenshot 2023-03-01 193024 (1)

Hi David,
Please take a look at this thread and try using an SMTP Plugin such as Easy WP SMTP by SendLayer – WordPress SMTP and Email Log Plugin – WordPress plugin | WordPress.org and see, if it solves your issue.

Best regards,

Hi Tim, I have Easy WP SMTP setup already and test emails are working. I reset the connection just to check and filled out every required filled in my form. However it still wouldn’t send unless I filled out all the fields, even the non required ones. I got the error in the image attached. It says the source is Bricks. Can I not send emails without a body? If not, I will just rearrange some of my dynamic content

Of course, you should be able to do this (and in my tests it works).

Can you please set the action to redirect URL instead of email? If the redirect works, there must be something wrong with your email configuration (server side).

I think you’ll find (perhaps amongst the other things too…) that you need double { and } when using the dynamic data…
eg on the form edit area it says:
“Use any form field value via it’s ID like this: {{form_field}}. Replace “form_field” with the actual field ID.”

so you would need {{acf_bcc_mail_to_address}} I suspect?

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