Using the Bricks Builder and Gutenberg Saving Feature with Clients

Hi Folks:
I considering buying Bricks Builder and am trying out the online test site.

I see that it has the ability to save as gutenberg data and read gutenberg data which I find interesting for two reasons:

  1. I have some sites (such as a huge one I did in Avada) that would be a real pain to convert if I ever needed too (so while I may buy and end up loving Bricks Builder, I don’t like being locked in).
  2. Using with Customers.

If any of you have used this feature I have two questions relating to the above:

  1. Any issues when converting back and forth?
  2. Do any of you let clients edit their site using Gutenberg and then import the changes into Bricks, or do you just use the setting in Bricks to only allow them to edit?


I would also like to know this.

On webflow the client editing is done beatifully, whre the client logs into weflow and then stays on the page and when logged in the client just clicks on the test he wants to edit or the image he wants to replace.

Is something like this intended with Bricks ? Can you customize it to work like webflow ?

I read this:

But it did not really provide a full answer.

Anyone ?

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Hi @JacobDK :wave:t3:
I am a webflow user and their cms is amazing, I would also like to reproduce the same type of cms on bricks. did you get an answer to your question? I’m also interested in knowing a bit more about it. :nerd_face:

@Mel Sorry, I can not help you with that. I am somewhat frustrated that noone has this but Beaver builder. But I am going to go the kadence way I think. With Kadence it is Gutenberg only and it becomes less necessary as any client would anyway have to know and get used to Gutenberg - which means they will actually get two things to get used to and “learn” - so they should and could just stick with getting used to clicking and entering Gutenberg without the sidebars immediately present - zen-mode.

As a sidenote - webflows client editor does not work (EDIT begin: for me! I tried several times uploading images where it did not work and searched the forums to find solutions: EDIT end) and that may be one of the reasons why people behind pagebuilders do not want to try and makes this kind of functionality. Have you tried it on webflow ? I have tried it several times - and it did not work and there are multiple reports about it in their forum - and it is not fixed. So … that pretty much makes it problematic to the point where you cannot hand over the functionality to clients anyway.

Kadence full bundle coming up for Black Friday sale is a good option. There is a little more under the hood. The best of Astra and Generatepress plus see for example their conversions plugin - now that is beautiful. The Kadence theme automatically download and localize googl fonts and other stuff for efficiency and meaningful workflow. Try checking out their Conversions-plugin.

Would be nice though it somebody from management could reply to the initial post at this forum, though.

(EDIT begin: sorry, rambling here in frustration in this paragraph, need to get my act together … :slight_smile: EDIT: end) I am pretty fed up with all the hype around new page builders. What exactly is wrong with Elementor ? Just use a cache. And you have the power of numbers … So many people use it. Seems stupid.

Anyway - if you must have a new builder, please make sure to try out the Breakdance builder. It is not a theme and can be used with or without themes anyway. It could be the replacement for Elementor for me at least. Efficiency is key.

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Sorry for the typing errors :slight_smile:

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Good evening @JacobDK ,
thank you for your reply. :slightly_smiling_face:
I’ve never had a problem with the webflow editor, but for other reasons I don’t use it anymore.
if I understand correctly you recommend kadence rather than bricks builder?
for me the main thing is to have a builder that meets my needs, that is reliable in the long term, that is customizable, that has a great community.
I think bricks can do the job despite some lacks like the cms editor, native animations/interactions (inspired by! Elementor, Divi, Oxygen, Breakdance etc also do the job very well. but today I would like to give to Bricks a chance.
Have a nice weekend :star_struck:

Kadence is not the same as webflow or Bricks. I think it sounds like you should stick with Bricks honestly. Kadence is using gutenberg. It is about efficiency.

But I really do not want to advice, sound like or give the impression of being an expert. You dont describe what needs you have, so it is a bit hard to point in a good direction.

Maybe Cwicly is for you. I have a license for cwicly. Try out Cwicly also. It is pretty unique. Good price since acf pro is included. They also have the option try it on a live site like Bricks does. They open up Gutenberg so to speak, give you a lot of control. They use Gutenberg, they make Gutenberg pro. What wordpress should have done. 10 years ago … Haha.

But Bricks is awesome when using it. The main thing I am worried about is that it is a theme and not a plugin. But the editing experience, the logic. Just really awesome.

About the cms-perspective you could check out the plugin happyfiles made by Thomas also. You will like it.

I understand why you want to try Bricks. But use the trial site and play around before buying.

@JacobDK What do you mean by [quote=“JacobDK, post:8, topic:1492”]
The main thing I am worried about is that it is a theme and not a plugin.
A template is not suppose to be more secure, efficient and quicker than a plug-in?
HappyFiles looks amazing.
I just test Cwicly but I don’t like the UX and UI of the app, look for me not efficient.
Ps : I would like to thank you for your help, answer and honest point of view. I really appreciate. Thank’s a lot :+1:t3: :blush:

If the pagebuilder is building on Gutenberg, then there is no lock-in in relation to Gutenberg and the blocks they offer. A client can rest assure, that it is not a niche-pagebuilder I am using - but the future of wordpress. I am sure Bricks knows and will overcome this. I am just afraid and prefer Gutenberg for peace of mind.

I actually have not tested it enough - but Gutenberg does one thing really good - it works on mobile :slight_smile:

For example Breakdance builder can be used without a theme, with a theme - and without the theming-system being active at all - like in Oxygen Builder - oh and also Breakdance has a Gutenberg-block :slight_smile:

I dont now anything about the security-issue - but I suspect you are right.

I feel the same about Cwicly, but I am looking at it differently now. I am embarassed to say I bought it twice and got a refund twice. Second time around was to se if the Design library could help me get off the ground running.

Is necessary for you ? Who is going to pay for it ? Will it be cost-efficient for the client ?

Of course HappyFiles looks amazing - Thomas made it :slight_smile: - I mentioned it because you referred to the CMS-aspect of Webflow - which I really like just as you.

A bit about the pros and cons and yes - I know it is a long one - I learned a bit about Bricks in that thread from the people participating → @sunny

@JacobDK thank you for this other point of view and for the explanation of the plugin. It was really interesting.I hesitated for a long time between bricks and oxygen, but what led me to choose bricks is the durability of Thomas’s company and it’s this video by Sam Harisson, he advised me bricks, oxygen is also built on angular and breakdance on vue.js
Breakdance Builder.....Oxygen Users Not Happy! - YouTube. A difficult choice because Oxygen was my first choice. anyway… pros and cons. .not easy

About, I don’t have problem to buy it, if it work nicely with bricks. But I’m also waiting for bricksforge News

Do you have a link ?

@JacobDK Bricksforge has been released! - YouTube

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@Mel - I think you just convinced me to buy into Bricks, haha. That looks just like what I need. Too bad the price just got increased, haha. I did not know about Bricksforge.

But then again, Bricks is the best, most logical interface so far for me. I knew that.

But it is getting expensive - I can buy The Affinity apps - all three of them for under half the price of Bricks - Affinity – Purchase options and pricing

… And on top of that with Bricksforge … Automatic.css … ? Tailwind and what have you …

Still frustrated.

But Bricksforge looks amazing. I know we are a bit off-topic here - but check out the depicter plugin also. Great experience.

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