Hey guys,
since this thread already contains multiple questions / topics let me try to answer all of them:
1. Mandatory submenu icons
Since Bricks 1.8 the icons / buttons for menu items that have children are there by default for accessibility reasons (keyboard navigation). Without them there is no way to open a submenu with the keyboard if there is a link on the parent menu item (see examples on w3.org).
You can hide the icon / button by setting the icon typography > font size to 0 and removing the icon margin. That way the icon is not visible anymore but still keyboard accessible.
If you really want to remove the icon completely you can use some custom CSS on the menu element:
root .brx-submenu-toggle button { display: none }
We do not recommend this approach though.
2. Submenu background
@mackarias As already said it would be great if you could create a staging copy of your site so we can have a look at your exact setup.
3. Screen reader issue
@Patric We will add an aria-label
to the icon / button. Thanks for the hint. Can you confirm that this issue only exists on the “regular” nav menu? The nav nestable should already output the aria-label
Happy to hear your input on all these topics.