In my latest projects an error occurred while using theme-style for standard link-styling.
When i set theme-style for links to text-decoration: underline no underlining shows up in backend and frontend because frontend-light.min style for a-tag overwrites the them-style-rule for :where(.brxe-accordion .accordion-content-wrapper) a, :where(.brxe-icon-box .content) a, :where(.brxe-list) a, :where(.brxe-post-content) a:not(.bricks-button), :where(.brxe-posts .dynamic p) a, :where(.brxe-shortcode) a, :where(.brxe-tabs .tab-content) a, :where(.brxe-team-members) .description a, :where(.brxe-testimonials) .testimonial-content-wrapper a, :where(.brxe-text) a, :where(a.brxe-text), :where(.brxe-text-basic) a, :where(a.brxe-text-basic), .jet-listing-dynamic-link__link).
Does anyone encounterd this error before and can give me a hint how to solve this?
The only chance i see so far, is to overweite it with a custom style without any :where( … ) around the class.
When you scroll down to the section „Absetzcontainer offen“ there are some text-links.
In the inspector you can see, that frontend-light.min.css a-tag is placed before theme-style-cdh.css and overwrites the text-decoration: underline in „:where"-link-tag.