SOLVED: Basic Text: Theme-style text-decoration: underline is overwriten by frontend-light.min

In my latest projects an error occurred while using theme-style for standard link-styling.
When i set theme-style for links to text-decoration: underline no underlining shows up in backend and frontend because frontend-light.min style for a-tag overwrites the them-style-rule for :where(.brxe-accordion .accordion-content-wrapper) a, :where(.brxe-icon-box .content) a, :where(.brxe-list) a, :where(.brxe-post-content) a:not(.bricks-button), :where(.brxe-posts .dynamic p) a, :where(.brxe-shortcode) a, :where(.brxe-tabs .tab-content) a, :where(.brxe-team-members) .description a, :where(.brxe-testimonials) .testimonial-content-wrapper a, :where(.brxe-text) a, :where(a.brxe-text), :where(.brxe-text-basic) a, :where(a.brxe-text-basic), .jet-listing-dynamic-link__link).

Does anyone encounterd this error before and can give me a hint how to solve this?
The only chance i see so far, is to overweite it with a custom style without any :where( … ) around the class.

Thanks in advance

Hi Martin,
Thanks so much for your report!

Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce the issue. Can you provide me with a live link where I can see the issue?

Best regards,

Hi Timmse,

thank you for your answer.

Here is the Link:

When you scroll down to the section „Absetzcontainer offen“ there are some text-links.

In the inspector you can see, that frontend-light.min.css a-tag is placed before theme-style-cdh.css and overwrites the text-decoration: underline in „:where"-link-tag.


Hi Martin,
Thanks for the link!

I can confirm an issue with the basic text element and added it to the bug tracker.

OK, thank you for the quick answer.

Hi Martin,
We’ve fixed this bug in Bricks 1.8.2, now available as a one-click update in your WordPress Dashboard.

Please let us know if you are still experiencing issues.

Best regards,

Same issues was being faced by but in the recent update this issue was resolved. Thanks to the team. :star_struck: