SOLVED: Adding <header> tag to section adds <header> to both the outer and inner wrapper & creates two inner wrappers unnecessarily

Bricks Version: 1.4 RC
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OS: all

Add a section and set the HTML tag to and then inspect the code.

Hi Kevin,

It’s not a bug, the first header tag is the container of the header template and your header section is inside it, with the inner div.

So in this precise case, you shouldn’t use your own header tag, since you can’t remove the header template’s one.

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Okay, so the header has a tag by default I guess. But that’s not very intuitive because I can’t select that element in the builder to style it. It’s there, but not there. Therefore, if I add a full width section so I can easily have an inner wrapper, I’ll have an extra DOM element for no reason.

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Yes I know, you can read this thread and see Thomas answer to this:

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Hi Kevin,
Welcome to the forum and thanks a lot for your report!

At the moment, it is exactly as @yankiara explained.
I mark the thread as solved accordingly because it is not a bug.

Best regards,