Query loop of Happy Files folders not showing Media in translated pages (WPML)


I am not sure if this is a Bricks and WPML compatibility bug, or if it is something related to Happy Files. Or even if is something I am doing wrong! :confounded:

Days ago I created a Photo gallery with Happy Files folder and Bricks query loop, thanks to the amazing help of AndrĂ© @aslotta. Here’s the step-by-step tutorial:

Now, I am in the mission to make that gallery available in all three languages of the website, which was translated with WPML time ago, and has worked perfectly, until now!

We are uploading all the photos for the gallery in folders in Media, thanks to Happy Files. In the main language, the photos are available. For example, if it says 71 photos, there are 71 photos available:

But, if I switch to a secondary language (English in my case), then the HappyFiles folder has a “71” next to it, but the folder itself is completely empty:

And like this, with every folder we have created and uploaded media into.

As a result, we have a perfectly working Photo Gallery in the main language:

And a Photo Gallery with no photos in the other languages:

I have checked every WPML setting. Media settings are like this:

I don’t need different images in different languages. Just that the images I upload and file with Happy Files can be available in all languages.

But something is missing, and I can’t figure out what! :woman_shrugging:

Any idea on what to do?

Thank you very much!!! :slight_smile:

Hi Isaura,
Thanks so much for your report!

It sounds as if Happyfiles isn’t 100% compatible with WPML. Even if it is the same developer, it is better to contact Thomas directly by email if you have problems with HappyFiles:

info [at] happyfiles [dot] io

It would probably be good to provide access to a staging environment. Thanks for your understanding!

Best regards,

Hi Timmse,

Thank you very much for your suggestion.

I will write Thomas at info [at] happyfiles [dot] io.

Thanks! :slight_smile: