How to create a Gallery quering subfolders and its images (Bricks + HappyFiles)

Hello! :slight_smile:

I would like to know if this scenario is possible to achieve using Bricks query loop + HappyFiles:

  1. Create a HappyFiles folder. Let’s say “Gallery”.
  2. Inside, create many subfolders as needed: “Event A”, “Event B”, “Event C”, etc.
  3. Each subfolder will have photos. But the main folder will only contain subfolders, no images.

With this, I would like to create a gallery page with a query loop with all the subfolders of the main HappyFiles folder.

On that page, you will be able to see the subfolder title (e.g. “Event A”) with a featured image (let’s say the last image updated). When clicking the subfolder, you would see all the images that the subfolder contains.

So, to sum up :point_down:
I need to create a gallery (page) that has a grid of cards –that are subfolders from Happy Files–, and that when clicking on a subfolder you are able to see all the images that the subfolder contains (on a separate page or on a lightbox, I don’t care).

With a CPT this is easy. Just querying the CPT posts or just the archive page of the CPT and then a page for each post. But Happy Files is better for managing media, as this will be exactly a Gallery. And the client have to be able to add new subfolders (let’s say “Event D”) any time they need, with new images. And that new subfolder has to appear automatically on the gallery page. Just like a new post would do.

I am kind of stuck on this! I have tried to query Media. Also tried with Taxonomies, as I think that Happy Files folders act as a taxonomy… But haven’t got what I need to achieve! :slightly_frowning_face:

Any ideas? :blush:

Thank you!!!

Hey Isaura,

as it is a lot to type I went the route of creating a small screencast of how you could handle this scenario. I hope it helps. Let me know if anything is unclear of and if it works out for you. :slight_smile:



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Hey André,

Your help has been invaluable! Thank you very much!! :star_struck:

However, I am facing one issue:

When querying the images, in your example, you just show one image per folder. Then, when clicking on it, the lightbox opens with all the images related. Which is exactly what I needed!

But in my case, the query outputs all the images on each folder. So Instead of having a card with the folder name and one feature image, I have the folder name and N images inside. If I limit the query to just 1 post per page, then I get just one image, but then, of course, the lightbox doesn’t work. What I am doing wrong?

Bonus question :flushed: : If I would like to open each folder to a new page (instead of the lightbox) and then, on that page, show a grid with all the images from within that folder, what would be the approach? I am not sure about two things:

  1. How to link to the term page (linking to dynamic data = {term_url} returns something like this: which shows the homepage, in my case :confused: )
  2. How to create the template page that will apply to all the terms (subfolders) within the “Gallery” main folder in Happy Files.

Any ideas? :blush:

Thank you again for your help!!


Thanks to the invaluable help of @aslotta, I have managed to create the gallery exactly as I needed using HappyFiles folders and subfolders.

In case it can help someone in the future, here are the steps :point_down:

  1. Create a main folder in Happy Files: Gallery
  2. Add as many folders inside: Event A, Event B, Event C, etc.
  3. Create a page called Gallery. Create the following HTML structure:

  1. Create two query loops:
  • Gallery Card: Type > Terms, Taxonomies > Folder (Attachment). This will query all the folders in Happy Files. Then, you need to specify the parent folder (Gallery) ID. Inspect it in the actual Media library. In my case, the ID was 235.
  • Media Wrapper: Type > Posts, Post type > Media. Then, filter by the taxonomy: Taxonomy Query, Taxonomy > Folder (Attachment), Field > term_id, Terms > {term_id}, Compare > IN. We are now looping through the media in the exact subfolder we were querying before.
  1. In the Image element, now you need to call for the {post_id} as the dynamic data content for the media.

From here, we have two options:

Scenario A
We want that each card (subfolder) opens all their images in a lightbox.

In that case, follow those steps:

  • On the image element, set Link to > Lightbox.
  • On the lightbox ID add this: {post_terms_happyfiles_category:plain}, so all the images share the same ID and can be connected in the same lightbox.
  • Hide all the images in the card except for the first one with this code:
%root%:nth-of-type(n + 2) {
  display: none;

Scenario B
We want each card (subfolder) to open up a new page that contains a gallery with all the images on that HappyFiles folder. That’s an extra step, but it is useful if the gallery contains many images in each subfolder, and you want that the users are able to see all the images faster and just open up the ones they like.

To do so, you will need to:

  • On the card heading, add a link to the term page. Link to > Dynamic data > {term_url}.
  • Create a new Bricks Template that will apply to all the Folder terms.
  • On that new template, under Template Settings > Conditions > Archive > Categories & Tags > All terms (Folder).
  • The structure of this template can be something like this:

  • The main heading can output the folder name if you add {term_name} as the content.
  • Then, there’s one Media Wrapper where you will set up the Query loop that will populate all the images within that folder. Settings are: Type > Posts, Post type > Media, Posts per page > -1, Taxonomy Query: Taxonomy > Folder (Attachment), Field > term_id, Terms > {term_id}, Compare > IN.
  • The image itself can also be opened as a lightbox, if you want. Just set it in Link to > Lightbox.

:warning: For this scenario to work, you will need to add the following PHP snippet to your site. I am using WpCodeBox:

add_filter( 'register_taxonomy_args', function( $args, $taxonomy ) {
    if ( 'happyfiles_category' !== $taxonomy ) {
        return $args;
    $args['publicly_queryable'] = true;

    $args['rewrite'] = [
        'slug' => 'gallery',
        'with_front' => false,

    return $args;
}, 10, 2 );

This will make that the happyfiles_category taxonomy is publicly queryable, so the pages for each folder is created correctly. You can also set a new slug for the folder pages. In that case is “gallery”, but you can change it in 'slug' => 'gallery'.

And that’s all! :slight_smile:

A 2 in 1 tutorial to create a gallery in Bricks Builder leveraging the HappyFiles folders with two behaviour options: one opening the images as a lightbox, and another one having specific pages for each folder.

André, thanks again for all your help! :blush:



Thank you for taking the time to write this up. Very helpful!

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