Woo categories url structure is like this by default: /product-category/example-category/child-category/
if you go to product base /shop/ and click one of the categories it moves to /product-category/category/child-category/ as it should be
Native Woo blocks product categories works similiar way. And we think this is correct.
How bricks work is if you go to /shop/ and click one of the categories it queries them with ajax and adds parameter ?b_product_cat=x so the ur is like /shop/?b_product_cat=125. Url doesnt look that nice doesnt it? If you land to product category page from google /product-category/example-category/ and hit filter url turns into /product-category/example-category/?b_product_cat=125 which can indicate completely different category if linked elsewhere.
Can we have native like url structure for product categories? I think other filters can be how its already done.
Yes. I propose that categories should use slugs or atleast we should have way to enable slugs for categories.
There can be cons like no checkboxes or multiple categories cannot be selected simultaneously but I think its okay. Someone can point if there is real life case where multiple product categories needs to be filtered simultaneously.
I spent some time to study and usually bigger ecommerce sites use slugs for categories.
So question is if category selection is a filter or a menu?
Hi, I completely agree with that.
Would love to have prettier urls…
It would change everything as we wouldn’t need to use the archive products anymore
Which is not the best for the user because It is kind of a dead end in terms of navigation.
We could create all category navigation links to a unique shop page with filtered results.