Under social sharing i get the right Telegram logo (not inverted, without round background) when i chose Telegram under services and leave the icon blank.
But under Icon list a CANNOT choose this logo/icon. I can choose different “paper planes” and the inverted telegram logo with the round background.
The outcome is, that i have to use 2 different styles of icons/logos when i want to have icons for twitter and telegram on my page, since Telegram is just available as the inverted round. Twitter is available as inverted square and plain and some more options.
So the logo/icon i need is already somewhere in the system, i just cant choose it where i need it.
The social sharing element uses an SVG. The icon list element uses 4 different icon fonts, each of which interprets the social icons differently (so that they match the respective icon font).
You can find the SVG used in the social sharing element here: /wp-content/themes/bricks/assets/svg/frontend/telegram.svg
I mean it took me now almost 2 weeks to get the right / matching logo.
Everybody else using bricks will have the same problem, as long as they cant figure out where to find the svg.
Shouldnt the “Icon fonts” cover all the necessary icons to set up all the social icons in the same style within bricks builder, without uploading something simple as a Telegram icon by themselves?
Bricks Icon library is clearly missing icon(s) that are used daily everywhere on the internet.
And even now that you gave me the location of the svg, i downloaded it, uploaded it to wordpress, i still cant use it.
Since i cant change the color of the SVG in the builder, its absolutely useless for me. Its whit and as long as i dont want a white logo, im doomed. Furthermore i cant apply a hover state (color change) to it.
So im still stuck with the same problem.
The problem is: I cannot choose the correct Telegram logo in bricks builder, since it missing in the Icon library. I understand its not a bug, but then for sure its a feature request! Its missing, it should be added.
Well, you can choose SVG in both elements. Accordingly, you could have downloaded your “desired SVG” (from a source of your choice) and used it in both elements.
There is no “Bricks Icon library.” However, there are four different icon fonts and the possibility of using SVGs.
I tried to. Theres no free Telegram SVG available (the one i need).
No Sir you cant. I mean yes, you can choose a color there, but it wont effect the SVG. To edit the color you need to add CSS.
Overall i dont understand why you fight so hard to say: “Nothings wrong here, please go on!” even theres something missing that your competitors achieved to handle easily.
I’m not fighting. I’m just responding to your report. As you can see, I can’t reproduce the problem you describe, and unfortunately, I have not received any reproducible steps from you…