How Stable Bricks Builder is?

Especially the Templating System? Did you have any problems?

Generation of CSS have any problems?

Did anyone use WPML with Bricks does it work with all widgets?

please share your experience.

I am thinking to switch my agency to bricks on new clients :slight_smile:

Very, do it. Proper WPML support coming up next: Roadmap – Bricks

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So far no problems, wpml works just fine but you might wanna check this: WPML Compatibility thread - #20 by zestjosh

Overall I’d say everything is stable buuuut you might have to find little workarounds here n there and be ok with sprinkling some css here n there.

As for templating, I haven’t run into any issues but for some more specific cases, people had to find workarounds so if you do have a rather complex site, it might be worth looking through the forum a bit.

I say go for it but just keep an eye on client sites.

I’m using it on client sites but for now I’ll be the one doing the updates on a staging environment cause who knows…

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Stable enough, I guess… What stability specifically did you mean.

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Thank you @manc ,

No problem I write my custom CSS or JS all the time.
I have my own shortcodes or widgets ready. Or I customize the core widgets if the design needs it.
I don’t use any addon or plugin other than the builder itself.

Hi @etobic

Just the builder stability.
version to version stability, future compatibility after update…

I am just trying to get a perspective from people who use Bricks for client sites.

I did use Bricks made loooots of tests but all of them in staging.
I even wrote some custom loops inside the codeblock. I love that how it supports the PHP :slight_smile:

I just made some test looks like Bricks Basic Widgets doesn’t work with the WPML Tool.

Our Agency team uses the WPML tool to translate pages because it is easy for them.

I will keep waiting for now…

Bricks works fine with wpml just not via translation editor yet (except for posts or cpts that are populated with regular non bricks content). So for bricks pages you basically just duplicate and populate them. For templates you render elements based on a condition based on the current language. I kinda did it the same way with other builders as well cause mostly other languages had slightly different content n layout.

If you wanna use the wpml translation editor with bricks content you’ll have to wait for official implementation.

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I know I know

But my team doesn’t know :rofl:
They are able to use WordPress barely…

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Just if it’s helping.

With my clients I create all the fields that they need to touch in a custom fields.

  • The texts I mark them “translatable”
  • The images I mark them “copy”

For the few things that I keep inside of templates/pages/CPTs like titles and blablablas, I just use the conditions inside the builder with {echo:icl_get_current_language()}.

I also create a class (sl_hide_in_builder) where I add that in the custom css panel.

.bricks-area root {
	display: none;

And I use this class in the “no main languages” to make easy to see the temnplate/page/CPT in the correct way

Like that, the clients don’t need to touch anything in bricks.

For posts I just let them to fight with guttenberg.

A bit mess for my taste.
I like to keep everything native and future-proof.
I even write my own custom field boxes if needed and not use ACF or PODS :slight_smile:

Thank you very much for giving your time to suggest a solution.


That’s clever. Nice workaround. Thanks for sharing. I am bookmarking your reply.

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No problem at all on my side. Ever. Works like magic. I do none custom code, CSS or PHP whatever. That way I keep everything simple and working and ready for future updates. If my clients need some fancy stuff, I direct them to some “Elementor expert” that will make their site fail every side-speed test:). So, with my minimalistic use of Bricks it is stable enough. I hope this was helpful.



didn’t do any special setup if I did everything could be 99-100 easily.

Nice! Congratulations. Sometimes it feels like the ultimate goal of our work are these numbers–they are not, but it feels good.

Dear Colleagues, :slight_smile:
I use this code for language condition:
You should use this kind of language code in condition: en_US, de_DE, hu_HU, ru_RU, etc.


Here is an example site for WPML compatibility: Welcome to the website of Sövit Environmental Ltd. - Környezetvédelmi szolgáltatás
This is a temporarely website. If it doesn’t exist, ONLY THEN try this one: Home

I have no issues with Bricks Builder. I start websites already in this visual editor.
Sometimes I have small glitches but it is not comperable to Oxygen for example. This editor is fast and extremely logic.

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