How Do I Set a 404 Error in PHP and have the Bricks 404 Error Page show?

In a few code snippets I may have to trigger a 404 error which I do with the following code.

            // error 404 is displayed
            global $wp_query;

The thing I notice is that WordPress just shows the standard " Whoops, that page is gone" 404 page instead of the Bricks Error Page template I have all setup.

The Bricks Error template page works fine for missing pages when typed in the browser URL but not when a 404 error is set via code in PHP.

How would I update the above code to set a 404 error and have the Bricks 404 Error Page show?


@timmse @aslotta @itchycode

Any ideas
 Looking at the bricks code I see that the issue actually starts in the Bricks 404.php file.

The get_bricks_data function cannot retrieve the Bricks Custom Error Page
 it seems to not be able to find the error template id
 or in reality Database::get_template_data cannot when it searches the active templates array
 so it just displays the default echo statements found in 404.php file

I can retrieve the page manually if I for example specify the right post id for the error template in the 404.php file like so:

$bricks_data = get_post_meta( 187, BRICKS_DB_PAGE_CONTENT, true );

but the css styles are not included when the php file is returned.

Always mine is not the appropriate solution and I was just trying to debug and figure out what is going on.

Since you are much more familiar with the code base and how it all works can you see a solution to this problem so the Bricks database function is able to find and return the error page in this situation?

Hey Tom,

can you tell me at what point of the WordPress lifecycle / in which hook or function you’re using this code eventually?

Except of that I think that a valid URL should not result in a 404 depending on specific circumstances. Can you tell me what the exact use case is?




I am using WPCodeBox 2 to insert the snippet after the plugins are loaded. I’ve tried other hook points but it doesn’t seem to matter the Bricks 404.php doesn’t return the custom template.

On some sites I generate 404 errors for Author pages, Date Archives, Uncategorized Category etc
 Stuff that is not needed for the site and shouldn’t be accessible. Google advises that soft redirects to the home page, etc. shouldn’t be used in these situations as they should be a 404.

Others have notice this issue as well

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Yep I didn’t fix this, didn’t get a response from anyone on this forum

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@aslotta So i was following the calls in the Bricks code from 404.php for this issue and figured out that for some 404 errors the $active_templates array gets reused which causes some problems in this case.

To fix this in database.php in the function get_template_data() adding the array setup function:


and then in the set_active_templates() function itself commenting out the “Check if set_active_templates already ran” code.

These changes fix the issue but obviously with my limited knowledge of how the code in Bricks works a better solution can be found that doesn’t require recreating the $active_templates every time the function get_template_data() is run. I did try to just recreate the array if the $content_type = ‘error’ but it only partially worked. This is something you guys can handle better with your indepth knowledge of the code base but hopefully I have pointed you in the right direction so the issue can get fixed.

@aslotta Any word on if this issue has been added to the bug list to get fixed?

Hey @Tom,

can you maybe show “a working example” using a different theme? Wanna make sure that it’s really Bricks that is behaving differently in this situation.



I tested it on another site with Elementor and its 404 error template is displayed. For example I usually disable access to the uncategorized Category taxonomy in WordPress if I do not use posts with the following code snippet.

// For example:
// If not using Category Taxonomy deleting of Uncategorized Category not possible

function ess_disable_uncategorized_category_archives() {

    // if we are on Uncategorized category archive page
    if (is_category('uncategorized')) {
        global $wp_query;


// Disable access
add_action( 'template_redirect', 'ess_disable_uncategorized_category_archives' );

This snippet when using Elementor and their Hello theme will return the 404 error template that I created.

This same snippet in Bricks does not return my custom 404 template.

I also disable the Author archive using a similar code snippet. It also has the same problem in Bricks but not with Elementor.

Did I give you enough info in my last post? It’s definetly a Bricks issue as it doesn’t happen in other themes.