How do I select parent or child when using terms query loop?


Trying to narrow down which categories are shown by parent/child categories in a query loop.

How do I define which one in the loop? Do I just write the name of the category or what do I need to do?


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Hi Erik,
Welcome to the forum!

You can use the term ID instead of the name.

Best regards,

Hi @timmse ,
I am trying to do something similar. The thing is, that ā€œparentā€ does not affect the query in my case - it still lists all the available categories, not just the child categories of the current product category.

Sorry that I need to bring this up again - did anyone try this? All I would like to do is loop through the subcategories of the current product category to list all the subcategories. I can not imagine that the loop builder is not capable of doing this.

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Hey Alexa,
sorry, I bookmarked the thread - but havenā€™t gotten around to looking into it yet. Iā€™ll get back to you as soon as I can give you a satisfactory answer :slight_smile:


Hi Alexa,

Just tested this in 1.5 Beta and it works fine here.

Make sure you are setting this up in a Template that applies to all terms of Product categories.

Hi @Alexa.

Did You managed to get this to work? IĀ“m facing the same issueā€¦ Using {term_id} in the ā€˜Parentā€™ field has no effect. Using a fixed value works well. :roll_eyes:

Hi Sridhar.

Could You explain this a little further?

IĀ“m at the same point as Alexa is / was. If I set the parent id as a fixed value (122) it looks good - but using ā€˜{term_id}ā€™ results in displaying the all categories starting from the alphabetic first.

I have a workaround for this and it works.

First step: Create the function to get the id of the current category:

function getCurrentCatID(){
global $wp_query;
if(is_category() || is_single()){
$cat_ID = get_query_var('cat');
return $cat_ID;

Step 2: put dynamic option in parent loop with: {echo:getCurrentCatID}

This way it allows to make the filter without problems showing the subcategories

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I dont understand step 2 ?
How can i echo that function on that query loop inside builder?

exact same dilema as its the default woo behavior. Did you ever got a solution?

I will try the child of custom function posted in this thread. :raised_hands:t2:

What is kinda working for me is this.

SnĆ­mka obrazovky 2023-01-18 o 11.18.07

Order by Parent and then it first shows all the parents and then all subcategories. So what I did is counted how many parent categories I have (7) and then restricted to display only first 7 categories which are parent categories.


How is there not a simple answer to this? Itā€™s driving me crazy. Iā€™ve read half the forum in search of a solution for this. Why does this have to be so complicated? I canā€™t get my answer anywhere.


What I fould out (Iā€™m not a Developper) is that the function is_category() return NULL when trying to display a category page, so most of the snippets youā€™ll found on the net wonā€™t work until you remove the condition: if (is_category()) {

So I supposed the query loop in Bricks for displaying the subcategories is not working for the same reasonā€¦

Also donā€™t forget to add 'hide_empty' => 0 or only Categories assign to an article will be displayed. I have categories assign to CPT (defined with ACF Pro) and they are not considered as mapped to the categories while they are!

So in the end, what work for me:

Create a Template as an Archive:

Configure the template Settings like this:

Then add a Code Element with this where you want to display the subcategories of a category page:


        $this_category = get_category(get_query_var('cat'));
        $child_categories = get_categories(array('child_of' => $this_category->cat_ID, 'hide_empty' => 0));

        if($child_categories) {
            echo '<ul class="subcategories">';
            foreach($child_categories as $child_category) {
                echo '<li><a href="' . get_category_link($child_category->term_id) . '">' . $child_category->name . '</a></li>';
            echo '</ul>';


I whish I could have done it with Bricks Query Loop but I must have missed something somewhere like all the peoples of this post :wink:



I may misunderstand, but I found a code-free - native bricks way to show only the children of the current term. My answer here:

I have an archive template that does this - listing child terms above a post grid. Works for me.

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I do by this way:

$terms = get_terms(['taxonomy' => 'product_cat','hide_empty' => true, 'parent' => 0]);

if( !empty($terms) ){
    echo '
    foreach ($terms as $key => $category) {
        echo '
        echo '<a href="'.get_term_link($category).'" >';
        echo $category->name;
        echo '</a>';
        echo '</li>';
    echo '</ul>


Exactly the same with you. Did you fix it?

This works perfectly in my case - Version:

In case it may help anyone, my problem was similar (e.g., I wanted to only show the parent and not the children) except I was querying media items grouped with Happy Files into a display. Therefore, I created this query loop:

Then, I added the taxonomy query, and down at the bottom, selected ā€œfalseā€ for include children.

Donā€™t get me wrongā€¦Iā€™m all for including the childrenā€¦we have to teach well, and then let them lead the wayā€¦but, well, yā€™know.


Thank you very much, @milkrow!

This is exactly what I needed to exclude the children of the term while looping through posts.

Amazing that this setting was just there within the Bricks! Once again, thanks!