Full Polylang support

I know some of you like WPML and that’s fine but let me explain why Polylang support is so important.

Especially with Asian languages, being a translation tool does not work as well as manual translation. That’s just a fact. Polylang is not an automatic translation tool, but an translations manager and that’s an important distinction!

Polylang manages these manual translations really well and is over all more simple and lightweight than WPML.

Polylang non pro is more than adequate for the task and is free to use.

I have added it to the request list. I ask that those of you who get what I am saying up-vote the Polylang full comparability PLEASE! It’s crucial to my work here in Japan.

Thank you!


Polylang is a great tool overall, I’ve used it on all my previous (Oxygen) projects and can’t wait to be integrated with Bricks fully, too.


Out of curiosity, what does it mean “fully integrated” for you, because Polylang is working just fine with Bricks?


@matejmohar The same or better level of integration that is planned for WPML?

I will play with it some more and provide details.

Polylang is definitely lighter and simpler than WPML which became awful and particularly heavy.


And I want to make clear that incorporating “Auto Translation” for a translation management tool (and this is not just WPML that does this), for Asian languages is a disaster.

It’s adding more code “weight” to an unproductive outcome. Polylang is really well coded and focuses on the right objectives in my opinion.

When I try to explain this to people they often don’t realize this impact because most often they are not native speakers for the language(s) they are managing.


I’m happy with Polylang. It’s light and easy to work with.

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I’ve created a plugin to translate pages and templates and it integrates with Polylang free.

What it does is simple:

  • take each component that contains text and list them with the current pll languages of the site.
  • Then you translate them
  • And finally the site loads the right content for each language (on the backend of course).

And important point is that it’s non destructive. If you delete the plugin, the content of the design it keeps the same. It just replace the original content.

Also it’s a simple way for the client to change content without destroying design.

This makes changes on multilanguage sites very fast and avoids using ACF or other custom fields to translate content.

My workflow now is:

  • Create pages of each language I need.
  • Create the theme and change conditions to show on each page I want
  • Translate the content
  • And If I need to do some changes, I just change the template one time, not per each language.

I don’t have it public, but if there is interest on it I would definitely to the task to make it public.

So if somebody is interested can email me at capodisseny@gmail.com or go@salwebs.com


I‘m using polylang in all of my multi language sites.

I did email you. I hope you will get back to me.


I replied to you! Tell me if you need help

Thanks for the reply. Yeah we have been on the road and mostly focusing on things other than site building.

I appreciate the offer and I will tap you if I have any questions on Polylang for you.


Do you have any updates on this? It looks great!

Sure Dennis, email me and I’ll sent you the plugin go@salwebs.com

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Sounds great, just sent you an email!

I understand it only works for static content right? Translating something like Woocommerce data or other dynamically generated content doesn’t seem possible with that, correct?

Right, this is only to translate data from the builder. Post contents, titles, metas, etc you should do it with polylang

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hey @salwebs i did send an email about it but haven’t received answer :cry:

Sorry @Heave , I had a few busy months! I’ll take a look now

@salwebs awesome thanks :slight_smile: