DUPLICATE: Page's custom code not added to front-end

Browser: Chrome 113
OS: macOS

If you were about to build a landing page with no header/footer, the custom CSS added in the editor via:
Settings > Page Settings > Custom code (Custom CSS)
…is not added to page HEAD on the front-end to “bricks-frontend-inline-inline-css”.

As a side note, I am not sure if the same issue affects the template being generated.
It looks like the custom code/CSS added via Page Settings does not get exported with the template as well… or is it just disabled by default?
… however if that’s true, is there a reason why? I mean how is one supposed to export the landing page template WITH the custom code/CSS?

Thanks for clarifying!

Hello @ooohboi,

This bug is known to the team and it’s fixed in 1.8, you could read this thread about the issue: SOLVED: Custom page CSS only gets saved when adding a codeblock on page and deleting that - #4 by Akar

Awesome, thank you! The auto-suggest topic did not include it, I couldn’t find it on Google, so I had to create a new topic.

Hey @ooohboi,

thanks for your report.

As @Akar mentioned this has already been reported (and fixed). I’ll close this thread accordingly. :slight_smile:

