Bricks Version: 1.5.7
Browser: Chrome 90 / Firefox / Safari / all
OS: macOS & Windows
URL: [(] - Popular Searches footer section
Hi crew.
I have a Bricks template running for the WooCommerce archive pages, and on these pages only (the rest of the static pages and blog are fine) the Popular Searches query loop is not outputting. This is a custom post type with just a title and url field (this is all for SEO purposes).
The loop in the footer is placed using a section template too.
The CPT is done with Meta Box, as are custom fields. The query loop of title with URL custom field as the link all works correctly and as expected on other pages in the site, but the loop just does not render output on the WooCommerce archive pages (running on the one product archive template). It’s like the wp_query on the product archive template is not resetting after the product loop, so it’s messing with the Popular Searches loop in the footer section.
Has anyone else seen this issue before, have a workaround, or info about it being a known bug etc?
Thanks in advance all!