I’m trying to get a blog page to look like this (https://snipboard.io/XdxpTe.jpg).
The goal in mind is to have the unique layout stay while I click pagination 2, 3, 4 and so on. The images, title, and excerpt change, but the layout doesn’t. Bricks has added a lot of new features. How can I do this? I know it can be achieved. Thanks
If I could somehow create divs for how many posts I want on a page, style each section, and then set it to the post query so that I can create this specific layout. Using custom CSS for each post would be such a hassle.
You can try :nth-child(1), :nth-child(2), :nth-child(3), … , :nth-child(/number of layouts you want/ ) and Adjust the style for each section as you want. Make sure they all have the same parent
See this for how to: