Breakpoints best practice / Core Framework and Adavanced Themer settings

Hi everyone, what is the best practice for breakpoints to insert so that the layout can work well on as many devices as possible? For now I am not having problems inserting these breakpoints:
1440px base, 1366px, 1280px, 1200px, 1024px, 991px, 768px, 478px, 390px, 320px.
Are they too many? Can you get equally good results without inserting all these breakpoints? I am especially interested in tablets and mobile. What are the best practices for setting breakpoints with Core Framework and Advanced Themer? :pray:

Read this topic. It may be useful to you :slightly_smiling_face:

These are the breakpoints I’m currently using, for what it’s worth. I based them off Apple devices as the most common ones among visitors to most of my client sites. I do adapt as needed though for each site depending on their audience. Essentially I kept the four standard ones but changed the min pixels for each one.

1366px for tablet portrait
896px for phone landscape
430px for phone portrait

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Thank you so much for your kind help :pray:

Thank you so much for kindly replying to me :pray: