Add Variable Fonts Support

Please add support for variable fonts. Introduction to variable fonts on the web

It’s good for ease of use and performance. I can load a single woff2 file and get all font size & styles for my project. Browser support is decent at 95% and growing. “variable fonts” | Can I use… Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc

I did a comparison also. Inter font (latin only woff2 only) requires 180KB and 9 woff2 files to load all sizes. Inter font variable requires only 1 request and 160KB to load all the fonts. I can decide to use any font size without to be bothered to upload them later.


@ChrisCastillo posted a video on it. I am yet to check it out but posting here for reference. Loom | Free Screen & Video Recording Software


Did you get it to work? In Bricks 1.5.2 the workflow does not work for meDid you get it to work? In Bricks 1.5.2 the workflow does not work for me.

Hi @sebastianberger,

I just fiddled with variable fonts for a while before I got it to work. Did you get it to work by now? For me the trick was to disable disallowed file uploads in wo-config so I could upload the files through the media library. Then I followed @omega instructional video (thanks for that!), just selecting the same file over and over for all variations and that appears to work fine.


Hey Kevin
I use Matthias Altmanns Script for that and that works like a charme. :slightly_smiling_face:


Is work already underway to implement these types of fonts? I see that there are more and more of them in google fonts. Besides, it’s a brilliant solution, less work and less server traffic.


Bricks needs this. Font installation is painful AF.

Some basic usability things in Bricks I just don’t understand… workflow could be a lot more efficient with a few tweaks like this.

Isn’t it working now? We install the font as usual, but in the font-variation-settings field we write this
‘wght’ 400 , ‘wdth’ 130

Does this only work with Google Fonts ? I cant find my fonts on the site listed.