WP Grid Builder issue on pagination while facets are filtering

Dear Team,

I have an issue for a long time but I need a solution now.
The issue is the pagination is not shrinking on filtering options in facets. The whole list of items are available through pagination. I would mention 2 cases:

  1. Bricks Builder + CPT (Jetengine) + WP Grid Builder facets
    Archívum - River Rádió (Sorry, this site is in hungarian language.)
    WP: 6.5.3
    Bricks Builder: 1.9.8
    WP Grid Builder: 1.8.2
    WP Active Plugins: 20
    WP Debug Mode: No
    WP Memory Usage: 93 MB / 1 GB
    WP Max Upload Size: 8 MB
    Server Info: LiteSpeed
    PHP version: v8.0.30
    PHP Post Max Size: 8 MB
    PHP Execution Time: 30
    PHP Max Input Vars: 1000


  2. Bricks Builder + WooCommerce + WP Grid Builder facets
    https://cassia.hu/termekkategoria/konyha/olasz-elelmiszer/ (Sorry, this site is in hungarian language also.)
    WP: 6.5.3
    Bricks Builder: 1.9.8
    WP Grid Builder: 1.8.2
    WP Active Plugins: 24
    WP Debug Mode: No
    WP Memory Usage: 22 MB / 256 MB
    WP Max Upload Size: 50 MB
    Server Info: LiteSpeed
    PHP version: v8.2.19
    PHP Post Max Size: 50 MB
    PHP Execution Time: 60
    PHP Max Input Vars: 1000


Do you have any idea how could I set up this page and template to get work the pagination based on the filters setted by user on WP Grid Builder, please.
Should I ask this question from WP Grid Builder?

Thank you and best regards,

First issue is solved by WP Grid Builder Team:

You need to use a Pagination facet instead of the pagination from Bricks to make it work properly: Create a Facet - WP Grid Builder.
It will solve your issue with the pagination.

Perfect, Thank you very much! :slight_smile:

Only 2nd issue is still alive.

I realize: This query is good: it shows all the products! I need to filter to the current category. But if I choose “Is main query”, then it doesn’t work either.
I have an other query for product categories:

Maybe this makes something wrong?
{echo:get_queried_object_id} in Parent?

How could I write the current category to “Parent” field in product query?