Woocommerce checkout editor (To vote on ideas)

Hi bricks team,

If you agree, the idea of ​​managing and editing WooCommerce checkout fields can be in the ideas section to get a vote. This is a very important feature that currently requires the installation of another plugin to manage, which brings many bugs.

Things like:

1- Delete and add fields
2- Ability to move fields
3- custom width of fields (setting fields in two columns)
4- Padding, border and other styles required for fields
5- Ability to select required status for fields
6- Ability to create a custom field (suitable for receiving order information from the customer)
7- Style customization options for select fields (such as the country field)
8- Style customization options for country names in select fields

I hope you agree with it and add it to the ideas if possible. I just filed it in the ideas section as well.

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