Woocommerce Breadcrumbs : Last Item Access

Hello friends, I want to access the last active item in the navigation, for example, access the product name in the single product page. I want to hide or create a style for the product name in the woocommerce breadcrumbs. my efforts were unsuccessful, because it has neither an ID nor a class!! Please help me. thankful

Try something with :last-child

:last-child needs a class or an ID or a tag, and if not, it won’t work! All CSS methods have been tested, but it doesn’t work.
Please test it yourself on your own store website! thanks

I see. You can use bricks breadcrumbs for it. They are much better than woo.

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I have a problem with this too, the parent categories are not displayed, just home, main shop URL and product name are displayed, I also set the post type to products in the Structure section but it didn’t work. How do I set this section to display like WooCommerce breadcrumbs? i also tweaked other settings in this section, but it didn’t work.

woocommerce breadcrumbs:

bricks breadcrumbs:

Did you set it up something like this?

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My problem was exactly in importing the slug url, I was only importing the category (available in Permalinks in wordPress settings)! This method solved the problem, thank you very much, dear friend :kissing_heart:

The only problem that remains is that the WooCommerce breadcrumb shows all parent categories, but here only the first selected category is shown! The ability to access the latest item in WooCommerce Breadcrumbs would be better, doesn’t Bricks want to solve this problem?

I think it’s a woo problem, not bricks.

And how they add all parent categories? One after another? Sounds like a wrong structure for breadcrumbs…

On my installation, woocommerce breadcrumbs shows only one category

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This problem arose a long time ago when installing the Dokan plugin. Now Dokan has solved the problem of selecting all categories (added an option for this) and now only the selected category assigned., but the problem remains for tens of thousands of previous products. Of course, I have to write script to solve this problem collectively. Thank you for all the answers. :kissing_heart: