Woocommerce - BeRocket and other Woo plugins

Hey team

Trying to nut out how we can migrate oxy to bricks with our woo stores.

We have a heap of woo plugins that add in params into the default woo shortcodes, specifically beroceket a nice AJAX filtering tool that has the ability to convert number attributes to sliders.

When I have the Woo integration turned on, the default Bricks filters control the filtering of the products.

When I add in [products] shortcodes, the CSS of the shortcode break, with ul showing

Question being
How can I enhance the native woocommerce archive functions in Bricks with parameters?

ie I have berocket AJAX filters and I need to add a parameter berocket_aapf=true - [products berocket_aapf=true]

There are a few woo plugins that extend the functionality of woo shortcodes with params

Current troubleshooting - shortcodes not recognised

did you find a solution?

Moved to search and filter pro