WooCommerce Account Page Name Display

The below image is the WooCommerce dashboard, and the active page/endpoint is the Orders. I created the page with Bricks in accordance with the Bricks WooCommerce account-building tutorial.

My issue now is that I want to display My Account - Downloads, My Account - Orders etc. So the endpoint name will now be affixed at the end. I used the {post_title} dynamic tag in Bricks to display the My Account.

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I used this code snippet to do this in the past with Elementor. But I’m now having trouble doing it with Bricks as well.

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You’ve done it again, Sridhar! Thank you, sir!!

Left a comment on the post. Thank you for posting it. I had to do this additionally to get your function to work.

Yes, that’s a given since 1.9.7.