WIP: WooCommerce Scroll up to Mini Cart does not work with Looping variation products

If you click Add to Cart button on certain Up/Cross Sells product, the page does not scroll up to the mini cart.

I am not sure what you call it, but if I have a “Widget” with several color variations, then when linking Up/Cross Sell products, then Widget will show with each product variation and has it’s own product number for each variation. For instance, “Widget - Red” which allows the Red Widget to be added to cart in the Up/Cross Sell area. This auto chooses the color Red without having to pick Red. When Add to Cart button for these types of products are clicked, the product is added to the cart, but the page does not scroll up to the Mini Cart.

Bricks v1.9.9

Hi @macksix ,

Are you referring to “Scroll to notice” setting? There is no setting can scroll to Mini Cart.

Please ensure you have place the WooCommerce notice element in your template.

Otherwise, you could send us the link to your page for investigation.


It would not work at all if I did not have that enabled. It fails on certain up/cross-sell products that have variation pre selected.

See video: Jam

Will send login.

@macksix ,

Thank you so much. Alright, understand the issue now.
The variation product inside the query loop should use Bricks AJAX add-to-cart logic too.
Bricks is not handling AJAX add-to-cart for variation products in current version.
We will fix this issue soon. Recorded in the bug tracker.
