WIP: Unusual Cart Behavior: Odd Loading Theme When Deleting Last Item, but Correct Empty Cart on Refresh

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: Windows
URL: Shop – Onebreath Academy
Video: Jam

When deleting the last item from the cart the empty cart theme will load but in a weird way. And when refreshing the cart the correct empty cart shows. As shown in the jam.dev.

I am not sure if it is a bug, but I couldn’t find anything about it on the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi Rick,
Thanks so much for your report!

We have already received a ticket about this problem and are working on a solution. I will update this thread as soon as the problem is fixed.

Best regards,


Hey Timmse,

That’s alright!
I will keep an eye open on the thread.
Thx for investigating the issue, I am sure the solution will reveal itself soon.

Have good day!

Hi Timmse!

Bricks Bricks 1.9.2 (beta) is out now. Many bugs have been fixed I see but is this specific problem fixed now. I couldnt see it in the list in the changelog.

Hope to hear from you.

Have a good one!

It still needs fixed in 1.9.2beta.

If the title of the report is still prefixed with WIP (work in progress) and the problem does not appear in the changelog, it means that we are still working on it. As soon as there is a fix for this problem, I’ll respond, adjust the title and it will appear in the changelog.

Hey Timmse!

Absolutely love the new features you guys have given us!

Just checked if the problem is still there, and it is. Just wanted to know if it is still on the todo-list. And maybe an estimation around what time it will be fixed.

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Of course it’s still on the todo list and won’t disappear until it’s done :heavy_check_mark:
Unfortunately, I can’t tell you when the problem will be fixed.

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Fonts are not loading when ajax content arrives. Assign the fonts for Empty Cart page to fonts in the cart, and it will work, because it loads them before the empty cart page comes up.

It might also work if you upload the fonts instead of pulling them from the google fonts cdn. I have not tried that.

Bricksbuilder is making incredible progress in terms of functionality and possibilities, but I would also be happy if such issues were given a higher priority.

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Hello everyone

Have you checked for this issue in version 1.12? I just tested it and it seems to be fine. Am I missing something?


For me, if I do not have the fonts on the Cart Template that I use on the Empty Cart Template, it will not show the fonts on the Empty Cart page on the front end. Instead, It shows a default Serif font.