WIP: Sub-menu alignment stops working when there are two menus in the same page

Bricks Version: 1.5
Browser: Any
OS: Any
URL: Bricks – Testing Ground

The sub-menu standard behaviour is to align to the left edge of the main menu item. When it gets too close to the edge of the screen it aligns right and a .overflows-viewport class is added to the sub-menu.

When using two menus on the same page, this behaviour is lost. Only the first menu will get the .overflows-viewport class, and the sub-menus on the second menu will always align to the left edge of the main menu item. This will cause the sub-menu to go off screen when it gets too close to the edge and will create some extra horizontal space in the website.

Hi Antonio,
Thanks so much for your report!

In your example, the second submenu also gets the .overflows-viewport class - or am I misunderstanding the problem?

Best regards,

Sorry, I forgot to share the link where the problem is most visible.

On this page, there are two menus on the page and that’s where the problem shows up

On this page, there are also two menus on the page, but the main menu loads first, so the menus always expand to the left:

Edited this reply and the original post to change the URLs. Moved the website to my test server, so the links won’t expire.

I was able to reproduce it and added it to the bug tracker.

Thank you very much!

Best regards,

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I have the same problem with a header like this:
Capture d’écran du 2022-09-28 15-59-31

The submenu opened to the left.

Corrected with this CSS code:

root .overflows-viewport {