WIP: Related post query in single post is broken (in builder)

Browser: Chrome 129.0.6668.71
OS: Windows

Hi bricks team,

According to the screenshot below, I display related posts in single posts. But there is a problem that the related posts are not rendered at all in the Builder and the query loop is displayed broken.

This problem also existed before for product queries. But with the release of the new query loop controls for WooCommerce in version 1.10, the problem was solved and when I activate the related products query, everything works fine.

As you can see below, the display of related posts in the builder is broken, but it works well in the front end. Even the style is broken in some cases. Like the “view more” icon in the Screenshots below.

Hi Hosein,
Thanks so much for your report!

To clarify: with “the display is broken” you mean, that it shows only one post?

In which cases specifically? I can’t replicate it…


Hi timmse,

In general, there are 3 problems.

1- It only displays one post.
2- Dynamic data is not rendered.
3- If there is an icon with a link in the Loop, it will be broken.

As soon as I delete the Taxonomy query, the above 3 issues are immediately resolved.

In which cases specifically? I can’t replicate it…

I just realized if there is an icon with a link in the Loop, it will be broken. If you are still not successful in replicate, please let me know so that I can email the access information to the site.


Thanks for the additional information!
Now I can replicate the issues :v:

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