WIP: Query started to no longer work after 1.9.1 update

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URL: https://eldarom.ro/
Video: Jam

As explained in the video, a particular query on our store started to no longer work after 1.9.1 update. At the same time, similar queries are working correctly.

If I revert to Bricks 1.9.0, it works correctly.

This problem is also happening on 1.9.2.

This is only happening for 1 query, the others, even similar ones work correctly.

What could cause this problem?

Screenshot with query config:

Confirmation that the category has children, here is a children of the category in question that has the main category set as a parent:

Confirmation that the tag ID is correct:

Hi @cristianuibar,

Yeah, that’s odd. Not sure what could be causing this by just looking at the settings tbh. Could you please share temporary admin access to help@bricksbuilder.io with a link to this forum thread using the same email address you used to purchase Bricks so we can look into it?

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Hi @charaf ,

Just e-mailed the problem to the help support e-mail address.

Hi @cristianuibar,

Thanks a lot for sharing access to the staging environment. The loop had no results because “Show empty” was not enabled and all children terms had a count of 0.

However, the second query also has some query results that had a count of 0, so there’s definitely something wrong. I have added this to our internal bug tracker.

But as a workaround, just enabling “Show empty” solves it for your use-case:

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Thank you for your answer. I’ll use the workaround but I’ll also look forward for your more permanent solution.

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