WIP: Query Filters + Pagination not working quite well

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: macOS / Windows / Linux / etc.
URL: https://try.bricksbuilder.io/t76ae529/testing-filters/
Video: https://jam.dev/c/9f095475-996a-4ab2-9514-704a0eb0d17d

Hello Bricks Support,

I am experiencing an issue with Query Fitlers and the Pagination element.

When I go to the last page of a Query ( in this case some Posts ) and click on a filter ( in this case a Category that has one Post in it ) the posts are filtered by the category but the page stays the same (
you can view the Fetch/XHR request in Dev Tools and you will see that in the payload there is a “paged” key in queryArgs with the value of the page you filtered from ).
I personally think then when you use any Query Filters, no matter which page you are on, the page should be reset to 1.

I created a try.bricksbuilder enviroment just to test if the issue is present on a plain Bricks installation, and it is. That is the link that I am providing in the topic as well, but I this issue is present on two of the websites that I am currently working on. Can you please check out the configuration in the Bricks Admin panel as I think I got it right but I am not a 100% sure ( I can provide you with Admin creds for the try.bricksbuilder enviroment ).

Thanks in advance!

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+1 I have experienced the same issue which still can’t figure out how to solve it.

Hi there,

Thanks for the report.

Yes, we are aware of this behavior, this will be enhanced (auto remove the page param, when applying a new “non-pagination” filter on the same query)


Thanks for the clarification @itchycode!

Can you please notify us when the update rolls out, as I wish to use the built in Filtering instead of using a third party plugin.

Sure yes, we will update this thread when it is released.
