If we set the Min. characters option to 1 and Debounce to 0 in the Filter - Search element, in the front end after the search (especially if the phrase is long) the Ajax process gets stuck and continues until the page is refreshed.
I’ve tried to replicate the issue locally but was not able to do it. I see you have some custom ajax loader, right? Can you try with just a basic Filter - Search element?
Other than for testing, I think setting debounce to 0 is not something you want anyway.
Hmm, I can reproduce it on your website. On one occasion, I waited for the response to finish, and it took almost 27s to get a response from the server, so this might be the case why it sometimes get “stuck”.
On a Playground though, I was not able to reproduce the long waiting time, but I was able to reproduce the filter not working. I think it happens if you enter just one letter - as soon as you type, it will work. Though, even that way, I’m not able to reproduce it 100% of the time.
Anyway, I got enough info to be able to replicate it, so I opened an internal bug report.