WIP: Polylang improvment - product / categories?

Great to see updates on this. It was a shot into the dark assigning pages and post templates. Really appreciated! But unfortunately product & product categories were forgotten?
Building shop cards query loops is a pain in the butt so far. For now I only have two languages but anyone with 2+ languages has pain.

//Edit: Any maybe not directly related, but in the Editor > Templates window the Polylang translated templates are missing. Would be a big workflow improvement to be able to jump to the other language version of the page/template/post directly from the Editor. Elementor has it on its exit page for instance.

Hi @Mike8040,

You’re referring to the language prefix which allows you to know what language a post belongs to correct? if that’s the case then on my end the prefix works for products as well (if they’re assigned a language).

Great point about the missing translated templates in the templates manager. I have added this to our board.

Hi, you are correct that it now works for products. I have missed that. But not for product categories or product tags which if you set up a product grid loop by terms which is in my view the most sensible approach is a pain. It would be a good if in this state now at least IDs could be entered.

Hi Mike,
We’ve implemented this improvement in Bricks 1.9.5, now available as a one-click update in your WordPress Dashboard.

Changelog: Bricks 1.9.5 Changelog – Bricks
Please let us know if you are still experiencing issues.

Thanks for the update. This is great and already very helpful for the workflow!

I would like to note that this is not implemented fully. Still the products categories are wild guessing and missing the [lang] attribute with

Hi @Mike8040,

Yea you’re right, Stefan was referring to the missing translated templates in the templates manager. I have updated the ticket to “WIP”.