WIP: Password Protected Template - no header and footer

In version 1.12.1, the header and footer are no longer displayed for a template with password protection

Ich habe auch das Problem @thomas gibt es hier News wann das behoben ist ?

Translated: I also have the problem @thomas is there any news when this will be fixed?

Hi Andreas,
Thanks so much for your report!

I reproduced the issue and added it to our bug tracker.

Welcome to the forum @markuspalmer ! I edited your reply and translated it to English, the ā€œofficial forum languageā€.

Best regards,

@timmse danke wann kann man den mit einem Fix fĆ¼r das problem Rechnen bzw ein Update ?

Hi @markuspalmer ,
Please write in English :v:

As soon as the problem is fixed we will update this thread.

Hi, I have the same issue, and another issue is when using post password, after typing password redirect to home page, not to page protected pageā€¦ So, accepting post password not workā€¦

Is there any news about the update to version 1.12.3 ? The issue Iā€™m experiencing is still present.