WIP: Order element classes by drag and drop

Browser: Chrome 110
OS: macOS / Windows / Linux / etc.
URL: -
Video: refer to the description below.

I have made a screencast. Sorry! I don’t have a mic with me now. So, it’s voiceless.

Only two things I want to point out about this feature.

  1. It’s cluncky when dragging and dropping.
  2. The reordered classes don’t seem to be working correctly on the frontend.

I look forward to hear from you.
Thank you!


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Hi Jornes,
Thanks so much for your report!

Unfortunately, I cannot replicate the issue.

That’s right. Sometimes it works, sometimes not - seems to depend on which class you move. I added it to the bug tracker.

Best regards,

Hey @timmse
Thank you for your response!

To replicate it, you will need to have 6-7 global classes there (in case you didn’t do that much). Then, do the drag/drop the way I did in the screencast. As you see the screencast, you will see the first global class was affected even if I just drag a little or drag to the middle of them.

Thank you for confirming this!

This is becoming a problem. Is this bug going to be addressed? It basically makes the class manager useless.

Hi Reuben,
It’s in progress (WIP = work in progress). However, I cannot yet estimate when it will be solved :v:

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