WIP: No results template adding links

Browser: Brave
OS: macOS
URL: Vacancies – Wheal Jane

I’ve used a template for the no results in a query loop but a tags are being added making the section a link to nowhere.

Hi @jenefer,

I was not able to reproduce this error. I’ve tried to create query loop and assigned template to it, but it was shown normally.

I see that you have multiple query loops with no result, right?:

Can you check in your “no result” template, if your a tags (or other), are properly closed?

Since I can’t reproduce it, and if it still does not work, then you can send temporary login credentials to your test/staging website and a link to this thread to help@bricksbuilder.io using the email address you used during the purchase, so we can take a look.

Thank you.

Best regards,


I have no a tags accept in the rich text block. I don’t know why it is doing a multiple query loop either. It shouldn’t be so I will go ahead and give you a login.



thank you for the login credentials.

I checked and also responded to your email. Basically, this happens when you have a query loop and you set a query loop to be a link (a tag).
Then, in your “Not Found” template, you also have an a tag - link, and when the “Not Found” template gets rendered, it’s wrapped in a tag/link, and because it has a link itself, there are nested links, which messes things up.

I’ll create an internal bug task to solve this, but for a workaround, you can wrap your item with a div/block element and set a query loop on that one.

Once the bug is fixed, we will update this thread.

Best regards,