WIP: Nestable Slider: Lightbox counter with "loop" enabled

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Images with the same Lightbox ID are duplicated in the lightbox when using Nestable Slider.

Hi Maxim,
Thanks for your report!

Unfortunately, I can’t replicate the issue on the first try. Can you provide me with the template (as template.json or json code)?

Best regards,

Hi timmse,

Here’s the link to a json file. Perhaps, it’s happening because every new slide is added as a duplicate of a previous one. I’m not sure.

Thank you.

Strange, I don’t see any duplicated images. If the slider is set to loop, and only a certain number of images have a lightbox gallery, it may feel that way :thinking:

What definitely doesn’t work with “loop” is the lightbox image count at the top left, for which we already have a task in the bug tracker.

I see now. Without the loop option turned on it shows 13 images, with loop option it shows 25 images. That has got me confused and made me think the images were duplicated. Thank you for your help.

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I see this issue as well. I have a nestable slider with a 3 pictures. The pictures are grouped by Lightbox ID. When loop in slider enabled I have duplicates in lightbox, + 4 images. Probably because of slider adding clones. If loop disabled everything is fine, just 3 images as expected.

Hi @digitalpunk , welcome to the forum!
Yes, this is the expected behavior if the loop is activated so that the “loop effect” can work.

Ok @Maxim , I’ll add your report to the existing “Counter” task :+1:

Yeah. Would be great to have the option in default slider to control the clones number. It’s possible in Splide. clones: number of clones If set 0, the lightbox in slider has no duplicates. Thanks