WIP: Nestable Slider: Custom Video Player works only for the first element


I have two video elements in a nestable slider. When enabling Custom Video Player in Theme Styles its options would apply only for the first video element. It seems to be working on backend, but not on frontend.

Hi Maxim,
Thanks so much for your report!

Unfortunately, I cannot reproduce the issue. Would you be so kind as to provide a live link and a screencast using https://jam.dev showing and explaining what’s happening?

Also, please try disabling your plugins and custom JS to see if it fixes the issue.

Best regards,

Hi timmse,

I should have also mentioned that one of two videos is placed inside a nestable slider. I apologize for that. I added another video outside of the slider and the custom video player options don’t apply to the one that is inside the nestable slider. The other two videos seem to work fine. Hope this helps. Thank you.

Hi Maxim,
You’re right; it doesn’t work in the nestable slider. I edited the title and your post accordingly and added the issue to our bug tracker.

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