WIP: Gutenberg list element makes container in Bricks

Bricks Version: 1.5.7. and 1.6.0
Browser: All
OS: macOS / Windows / Linux / etc.
Page with Gutenberg Content

when a list element is created with Gutenberg, it is not transferred to Bricks, instead a container block is inserted. If you go the other way the result is the same. Then there is an empty block in Gutenberg.

The screenshots show how it looks like, the url how it should be.

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The List element in Bricks does not have any code that converts it from and to Gutenberg blocks - but we can add it in a future version.

As this is rather an improvement than a bug, I’ll move the thread to the correct category.

Best regards,

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Unfortunately, they have not fixed this problem yet. I think it is a bug, not “rather an improvement”. How simple is a list and how difficult would it be to import it into Bricks? I think my only solution for now is to convert the list of items to paragraphs.

This would save me a lot of work if this improvement was added. I agree with OP that converting a gutenberg list should be a core function. Hopefully it gets added soon.