WIP: Font body and heading colours in theme styles are not unique

I have 2 themes (because client wants different colours for part of site).

If I set THEME STYLES → TYPOGRAPHY → ALL HEADINGS or BODY font color - it’s copied across theme styles. Edit theme A, set body text colour to black. Theme B body text is now black. Change B to white, A is now white.

Shouldn’t these allow for different colours per theme style?

Hi Mike,
Thanks so much for your report!

Actually, they are unique. If you select a specific Theme Style from the dropdown, it instantly shows its styling on the canvas. If you set a condition to Theme Style A and a different condition to Theme Style B, you will see that it works fine on the frontend.

The only issue is, and that is where the confusion begins, that the colors seem to be inherited from the other theme style until you close the typography tab and reopen it: https://vimeo.com/826229565/70dc55bd15

I’ve added it to the bug tracker, but actually, it isn’t a real issue (it’s just confusing).

Best regards,

On my install, the color is wrong - it gets copied between styles even after a screen refresh etc.

Would you be so kind as to provide a live link, or in your case two, where I can see the different theme styles and a screencast using https://birdeatsbug.com or https://jam.dev showing and explaining what’s going on? Please use one of the tools mentioned, because they log every single step, making it possible to reproduce the issue.

Is it possible you set both conditions to the same, e.g. Entire Website?

Best regards,

I will do my best. It’s a local dev site. I have posts and CPT. I have 4 themes (i know - but the client wants what the client wants). The themes are intended only to apply to one category (and its children) each.

If I change header/body text color in any theme, all themes change.

No I have not set the conditions to global. In fact, I have set the conditions to every imaginable state because no matter how I set them, they don’t work… but I have another question on this forum about that.